We can recover your erased, corrupted and damaged files remotely online.
Do you have erased, corrupted or dameged files, on a hard drives, thumb drives, memory stick, SD cards and more. Most recoveries can be successful with software. No need to remove your hard drive and send your files across the country for only a software recovery. At Nationwide Data Recovery, we’ve pioneered a way to access the effected
24/7 Connect now - No waiting or appointments needed
Erased & Lost Files and folders
Damaged & Corrupted Files and folders
Our certified technician in the United States will remotely access your computer and use our software tools to recover the data in the hard drive. No software is installed and no data ever leaves your computer. Nothing is uploaded, all the data stays on your computer and nothing is ever uploaded into our servers.
For a low cost fee of $99, we will connect to your computer with your permission, and then use our tools to recover the lost data you want located inside your computer.
Open 24/7 Lets start now!
* As with all data recovery services, we cannot guarantee a successful data recovery. Much depends on the condition of the files and folder that need to be recovered and the condition of the storage device which contains the data. A live technician at our location in Miami Florida will remotely scan your requested devices for any possible files that can be recovered. This is then stored in a folder on your desktop call “Recovered Data”. This may take anywhere between an hour of a few days. The price is flat rate and is not calculated by files or time.
You need to be sure that your data is secure and safe from prying eyes. Our seasoned technicians have recovered millions of gigs without one single megabyte being compromised. Our file integrity detection software allows our technicians to make certain that your data is corruption free, without having to actually view your private data. Our impenetrable server has the latest in protection and is monitored 24 hours a day. Your privacy is most important to us.
Nationwide Data Recovery 8950 SW 74 Ct Miami Florida 33156